Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Where’s the story on this? Honest question, haven’t heard anything about this and feel like it would’ve come up in the penn state background checks if there was anything substantial to it.

He was accused of encouraging a player to delete a video of another player raping a girl. He denied the accusation, and it was never proven. Another thing is he told his team he saw the video of the rape but testified that he didn't. Here's a quote from him:

"I had just gotten done meeting with the administration and I didn't want to go in and water my message down to the team," Franklin testified. "I didn't want to say 'I was told (or) I saw a video from somebody else.' That's what I did. I addressed the team and spoke as if I had seen the video because I was angry and upset and I didn't want to water down the message to them.

"I did talk about the video as if I had seen it, based on what was described to me from the administration. I didn't think that was the right way to deliver my message to the team at the time."

He was obviously never convicted of committing a major crime (otherwise he wouldn't still be coaching), but it's fair to question his character.
Look the bottom line is Franklin hasn’t been found and won’t be found guilty of what posters here want to say he did. with that said if DW wants him just win baby and that’s what he does like him or hate him
I dont think the media hates us per se... just been burned too many times talking us up... kinda like us, really.
I can agree with that, I also believe that AD,DW need to have a sit down meeting with local reporters and have the same positivity meeting with them n tell em to eliminate the garbage reports or forget getting any information from the AD. New sheriff in town time to get this culture changed and it isn't gonna stop if we don't start with local reporters. Get them changed and the fan base will be more likely to follow. Just my opinion but the positive things we the fans hear the more apt we are to being more relaxed n positive going forward.
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