Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I’m tired man.
Im over our constant attempts to re-create the Alabama Model.
That model only works Bc of Saban and his maniacal attention to detail.
His assistants may get to see how his mind works, but they don’t have his mind.
Same, I don't ever want another Saban Assistant, even Locksley got a job after being there and that guy is terrible. We need to create our own model that wins.
He has been offered and encouraged to get all kids of PR help and he has refused.

For what it's worth the reporter he was a dick to was Blake Toppmeyer, who "broke" the paycut story. Pruitt was pissed about it, thought it was unfair and misleading.

Toppmeyer has written a bunch of negative stuff, although to be fair there's a lot of negative stuff out there right now.

Normally I'd say he should grow up and be a professional, but I'm pleasantly surprised to learn that Pruitt knows how to read.
We need to learn a lesson from South Carolina. They fired Muschamp without a HC commitment. They thought they could attract quality sitting HCs. That has not been the case. They have had multiple coaches turn them down. They will get Shane Beamer, but Beamer was not as high on their list as SC media is letting on. Beamer was always a safety net. Multiple good up and coming and established coaches have told them no. There athletic department is a mess. Former baseball coach Tanner has it in disarray
We need to learn a lesson from South Carolina. They fired Muschamp without a HC commitment. They thought they could attract quality sitting HCs. That has not been the case. They have had multiple coaches turn them down. They will get Shane Beamer, but Beamer was not as high on their list as SC media is letting on. Beamer was always a safety net. Multiple good up and coming and established coaches have told them no. There athletic department is a mess. Former baseball coach Tanner has it in disarray

We can not compare our program to USC.

Any of these coaches would come here tomorrow:

For what it's worth the reporter he was a dick to was Blake Toppmeyer, who "broke" the paycut story. Pruitt was pissed about it, thought it was unfair and misleading.

Toppmeyer has written a bunch of negative stuff, although to be fair there's a lot of negative stuff out there right now.

Normally I'd say he should grow up and be a professional, but I'm pleasantly surprised to learn that Pruitt knows how to read.
Toppmeyer goes on Memphis radio weekly and slams Pruitt. I sure there is no love lost
We need to learn a lesson from South Carolina. They fired Muschamp without a HC commitment. They thought they could attract quality sitting HCs. That has not been the case. They have had multiple coaches turn them down. They will get Shane Beamer, but Beamer was not as high on their list as SC media is letting on. Beamer was always a safety net. Multiple good up and coming and established coaches have told them no. There athletic department is a mess. Former baseball coach Tanner has it in disarray
Im just saying, but there's a former successful power 5 coach who has been lobbying for the job. He is also a TN man. The ceiling at TN is also much higher than the ceiling at SCAR. The situations aren't comparable at all imo, unless the UT AD makes the search harder than it needs to be.
Just watched the press conference from last night. Pruitt can go kick rocks, he has zero justification for being as arrogant and condescending as he was.

I'll give you a hint Jeremy - you just lost 6 in a row by double digits, the reporters aren't the problem.
Same, I don't ever want another Saban Assistant, even Locksley got a job after being there and that guy is terrible. We need to create our own model that wins.
These guys are successful is because of talent on the field. Kirby is the only one that's really done well and he's got talent everywhere. Once these guys get away from all the talent it reveals their true mediocre coaching abilities.
Is it too much to ask to just have an average offense?

offense is the name of the game right now. Which is another frightening thing about the Pruitt era. If they were losing shootouts it’d be one thing, but they’re not able to do what it seems like every decent team can do. As if that’s not enough, the defense isn’t that great for a guy who’s know for coaching that side.
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