2020 Presidential Race

What set off your smoke alarm in 2020?
The big one was the claims of vote switching in the data. Lots of claims of fraud. The stopping of counting overnight. Reprogramming machines just before election. Lots of things.

When you decide you have a point, we'll take this back up.
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Yesiree it sure is refreshing to finally have someone on the (R) side that is not a quitter, nor an appeaser, nor an apologist and certainly not going to tuck tail and run. A down and dirty street fighter who is willing to get in the slop and wrestle with all the leftist filth.
Basically, someone who models his behavior after an eight -year-old.
Interesting this wasnt filed by trumps team but instead by Powell, who the trump campaign already distanced themselves from. She also has numerous other filings with spelling errors and attached a plaintiff’s name in GA to a case he never agreed to

Sidney Powell Mocked, Scorned, Ridiculed and More Over Clumsy, Rambling, Typo-Filled ‘Kraken’ Lawsuits

A Georgia Republican official named as plaintiff by Sidney Powell says he never agreed to take part in lawsuit
I see. Another non-answer to such a simple question.
Why did you start doing data dumps and get suspicious about the 2020 election, but never before??
Go see the edit.

Again... If you have a point, make it. I have a feeling all you're trying to do is nurse the wounds of having your fallacious arguments exposed, and milk attention away from that. I'm tiring of the pointless questions.

If you have a point, get to it and I'll be happy to continue dialog. Otherwise, all you're doing is wasting my time.
Interesting this wasnt filed by trumps team but instead by Powell, who the trump campaign already distanced themselves from. She also has numerous other filings with spelling errors and attached a plaintiff’s name in GA to a case he never agreed to

Sidney Powell Mocked, Scorned, Ridiculed and More Over Clumsy, Rambling, Typo-Filled ‘Kraken’ Lawsuits

A Georgia Republican official named as plaintiff by Sidney Powell says he never agreed to take part in lawsuit

You claimed no evidence of fraud has been submitted in court.

You good now?
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Go see the edit.

Again... If you have a point, make it. I have a feeling all you're trying to do is nurse the wounds of having your fallacious arguments exposed, and milk attention away from that. I'm tiring of the pointless questions.

If you have a point, get to it and I'll be happy to continue dialog. Otherwise, all you're doing is wasting my time.
I see. Another non-answer to such a simple question.
Why did you start doing data dumps and get suspicious about the 2020 election, but never before??
Specific to the data dumps, I never saw a video showing the data change in real time. I never saw data analysis which claimed to prove vote switching.

Again... Is there a point inhere somewhere?
Trump will be working on his feelings long after January 20th.

The election, however, was called 3 weeks ago and Biden's leads aren't getting any smaller.
If you’re not paying attention to the constitutional violations and what that could mean then I don’t know what to tell you.
CNN even did a segment on it so it’s not like it’s shocking information
Reading comprehension remains one of your shortcomings. Never said I lived there. Used as an example of sole incidence of when my motorhome was in snow.

Next you continue to move the goal posts. I said horse to limited points. You countered with full court to 21 points. I said conditional on your age. You reply with now 41 points.

You know what? You've made a piss poor attempt to get out of it. You need an ass kicking. First to 41 or a 7 point spread wins. Last and final. Accept?
Speaking of reading comprehension, show me where I ever said you lived there.

Here, let me dumb it down for you.

I pointed out, you obviously you aren't a "local" and none too observant. Both are apparently true.

Regarding "the challenge:"

Now you've pissed me off, just a little. You've tried to water down every proposal, from a wimpy game of horse, to first to 7, then 21 with conditions, to 41 or first to 7 spread. Wimping out, every time. This is how I handle "negotiators." Each time I up the ante. Let's really up the ante this time and make it a marathon session. Make it worth while. How about 60 points or an hour whichever comes first?

Oh, as far as "ass kicking", lots of contact, no sissy fouls. "Last and final. Accept?"
This idiot confused the primary ballot numbers with the presidential election ballots. The head of the PA GOP has already stated that they aren't going to change the electors.
Bunch of soft, sissy, sore losers. This is exactly what I was saying to the people who managed to stomach voting for Hillary in 2016. Stop pouting and get reading for 2022. The Senate is where the true power resides.
You're quoting the state head of the GOP, and I'm sending you a direct quote from a PA state senator.
Speaking of reading comprehension, show me where I ever said you lived there.

Here, let me dumb it down for you.

I pointed out, you obviously you aren't a "local" and none too observant. Both are apparently true.

Regarding "the challenge:"

Now you've pissed me off, just a little. You've tried to water down every proposal, from a wimpy game of horse, to first to 7, then 21 with conditions, to 41 or first to 7 spread. Wimping out, every time. This is how I handle "negotiators." Each time I up the ante. Let's really up the ante this time and make it a marathon session. Make it worth while. How about 60 points or an hour whichever comes first?

Oh, as far as "ass kicking", lots of contact, no sissy fouls. "Last and final. Accept?"


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