Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Okay let’s be honestly for a moment, emotions aside. Do we truly think Pruitt is the problem? I know he’s the HC but I’m really thinking a lot falls on Chaney. The offense just doesn’t look good at all

I actually think so. Insecure and unsure of his teams offensive identity. He makes bad decisions. And his assistant staff is a revolving door. I wholeheartedly believe he’s the problem.
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I’m gonna give Pruitt one more chance...

If he doesn’t start Bailey the next game I think I’ll just be done with him

We are an embarrassment again. I think bailey is good enough to give us hope... give him a freakin chance already. A legit one. START EM!
I thought I’d give him another chance but he’s done. You can read it all over his body language. Things have to change and it’s going to take more than a DL coach firing if he wants to succeed.
Good news is I think our freshman and sophomores are good enough for a good coach to win with and most wont transfer. Bad news is I highly doubt we move on from Pruitt. Yay for mediocrity. I thought we could beat Arkansas and I have been supportive and saying he needs time but tonight made me feel like we’ve hit a dead need with Pruitt. Our only shot at being elite again is to pay up for a good proven head coach. I’d give Chris Petersen, Urban Meyer, Hugh Freeze all the time in the world to get this right because I know they can coach.
We’re looking WAY up to mediocre.
Believe me, I know, and it's maddening. Like a root canal with absolutely no anesthesia.
I've been there. I know how that feels to some extent.

Since I was a kid i idolized Tennessee football. I wanted to play and for a while it looked like a possibility. But then my knees shredded. And any hope vanished when my back went. It wasn't meant to be, but to this day I tell my wife and daughter I would give my right arm to take the field in uniform just once.

I wish I could flip a switch and not care, life would be easier and certainly more pleasant.
I've been there. I know how that feels to some extent.

Since I was a kid i idolized Tennessee football. I wanted to play and for a while it looked like a possibility. But then my knees shredded. And any hope vanished when my back went. It wasn't meant to be, but to this day I tell my wife and daughter I would give my right arm to take the field in uniform just once.

I wish I could flip a switch and not care, life would be easier and certainly more pleasant.
That last sentence is me. I don't have lots of money, and I certainly don't have good health, but I love Tennessee football with a burning passion. I want to see us be good again, but each year, it seems we get farther and farther away than closer. And I can't help but feel destroyed by that.
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