Will new coach cuss? Do you care?



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2008
Saban said some bad words - damn - JC - repeatedly after that kick at the end of the LSU game. The camera man zoomed in close to get the reaction. The networks know that if they zoom in on people like Saban they will get this behavior on TV purposefully.

I don't want to see a UT coach cussing on TV like that.
I've seen Fulmer curse saying BS but I've never seen Fulmer take the Lord's name in vain.

Does anyone else care about this?

Even if you don't care about the type of cursing, are you ok with any of it from a representative of your university?
Faildozer........Faildozer to the main message board.......paging Faildozer.
As long as doesn't post it on the board I'm cool with it.
Im sure he will curse and NO it doesnt bother me. If it bothers you then you can kiss my ass. :p
i am with ya there Marky....let's just have the new coach clap and pat the players on the butt as they go three and out or give up a TD
I'd never want a guy like Saban.

I want a coach who doesn't cuss, and invites the other team over to our locker room for ice cream at halftime.
Im very cool with it to an extent... Like you said I dont want the lords name taken in vain in any situation but maybe a lil cussing to get the team fired up or to make a point thats just coaching
I am ignorant to faildozer... someone please explain. I am new to internet posting and to this website and do not understand the sarcasm. If that is not sarcasm please explain anyway.

I cuss too, but if I was representing UT; I would not - especially the Lord's name in vain.

I am not trying to spread my religious beliefs around the internet, I just want to know everyone else's opinion
Seriously, if our coach wins he could visit Tea Rooms around Knoxville dropping the elbow on old ladies and I would make an excuse for his actions.
I would prefer my coach to swear and take the lord's name in vein. It shows emotion and gets the point across quicker...
I could care less. Seriously papaw, if you want a good ole god-fearing baptist to lead this team, then you should get ready for more seasons like this.
Seriously, if our coach wins he could visit Tea Rooms around Knoxville dropping the elbow on old ladies and I would make an excuse for his actions.

That is too funny, and the ice cream comment is great too
Effective cursing is an art form. Used correctly, it gets people's attention. Used incorrectly, it makes one appear slightly dumber than a clod of dirt.

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