Megan Rapinoe & The US Soccer Team

I think it sends a strong message to the rest of the world about what our freedoms are all about.

Imagine teams from places like the DPRK watching there sports peers shtting on the POTUS and not getting their whole family line snuffed out. Has to be mind blowing.
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All of those names are on point. You have to admit that.
What pejorative nickname should be used for Donald Trump then? There are certainly many that would also be "on point" for such an immature, sensitive and egocentric 73 year old man who uses a spray tan, has a hair weave, false teeth (porcelain veneers) and is also at least 30 pounds overweight.

It is weird that such an old, fat and funny looking orange-colored dude, who is sensitive to name-calling himself, enjoys calling others by these immature nicknames... it's so stupid.
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What pejorative nickname should be used for Donald Trump then? There are certainly many that would also be "on point" for such an immature, sensitive and egocentric 73 year old man who uses a spray tan, has a hair weave, false teeth (porcelain veneers) and is also at least 30 pounds overweight.

It is weird that such an old, fat and funny looking dude, who is sensitive to name-calling himself, enjoys calling others by these immature nicknames... it's so stupid.

You get way upset about things you have no control over very similar to Luther and the other Libs on this forum!
I think decorum went out the window when Trump start naming his opponents in the run up to the 2016 general elections and then beyond. Lyin' Ted, Crooked Hillary, Pocahontas, Nervous Nancy, Low Energy Jeb, Crazy Maxine, Little Marco etc.

What I find ironic is that the same people who love Trump for being over the top irreverent try and foist that NOW it's somehow unpatriotic or bad form to go after political opponents.
Timing septic, it's all about timing.
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You get way upset about things you have no control over very similar to Luther and the other Libs on this forum!
I'm not upset. I'm just wondering what is a good nickname for Trump? It shouldn't be hard to come up with one for an old, fat, orange guy with fake teeth and a hair weave that looks like an animal is asleep on his head.
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What pejorative nickname should be used for Donald Trump then? There are certainly many that would also be "on point" for such an immature, sensitive and egocentric 73 year old man who uses a spray tan, has a hair weave, false teeth (porcelain veneers) and is also at least 30 pounds overweight.

It is weird that such an old, fat and funny looking orange-colored dude, who is sensitive to name-calling himself, enjoys calling others by these immature nicknames... it's so stupid.

Come up with a good one and send it to your nearest representative.
I can't go that far with you. This is capitalism, after all. Politics never has been pure in this country and it will never will be. There will always be companies/lobbyists seeking to buy influential favor and politicians for sale. However, term limits would discourage people from running for office in the first place, for the purpose of long run self-enrichment.

Yeah, but politicians are never going to saddle themselves with term limits, and I look to Brexit as an example of what might happen if we actually managed to get an amendment going. I'm really serious on the other ... politicians are selling what doesn't belong to them when they give speeches and write books for profit.
Maddow To Rapinoe: Will You Run For President?

Did you ever in your life think you’d hear the name of one female soccer player as much as you have in the last two weeks?

Megan Rapinoe is everywhere – hero, traitor, icon, athlete…whatever your opinion of her there are few places one can escape her presence these days.

After winning the World Cup, Rapinoe has been making the media round, answering all the same questions about Trump and hate and Trump and politics and Trump and more Trump and also Trump. On Tuesday she appeared with fellow lesbian icon Rachel Maddow and Maddow had a very pointed question for the soccer superstar…

Would she consider running for president?
Maddow: Public Policy Polling literally did a poll today…

Rapinoe: *laughing* Oh no!

Maddow: …which is you versus Trump in a presidential contest and you beat him by a point.​
Oh well, we all know how the public polling worked out for Maddow’s predictions last time!

Rapinoe laughed, saying her girlfriend had already warned her to slow her roll on this one. While she didn’t seem to rule out anything, she did go on to talk about the need to move beyond just words and take action.

Maddow to Rapinoe: Will You Run For President?
I'm not upset. I'm just wondering what is a good nickname for Trump? It shouldn't be hard to come up with one for an old, fat, orange guy with fake teeth and a hair weave that looks like an animal is asleep on his head.

BB85, I apologize! What I said was out of line.
I'm not sure how she fared in Economics, but pissing off over half of her potential fanbase is probably not the best route to a pay raise and more merchandise sales.

With all the political BS, I decided to skip watching the final. You can darn sure bet I won't be tuning in to any women's games for the next four years.
I'm not sure how she fared in Economics, but pissing off over half of her potential fanbase is probably not the best route to a pay raise and more merchandise sales.

With all the political BS, I decided to skip watching the final. You can darn sure bet I won't be tuning in to any women's games for the next four years.

*snaps fingers*

Darn! lost another one.

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