Neyland I (Formerly known as Gruden Thread)

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I understand what you are saying I’d love that too but then I’d have to ask myself this , would I be pissed if we turned down ... Dabo , Jimbo , or Kirby as our Head Coach because of their ties to Bama . We all know the answer to that lol

They're proven winners, not quite the same, obviously.

To use some BigOrangeFish lingo, they're Kobe Beef and we got 50% off manager special flank steak.
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I guess I didn't realize the extent of their hatred for us.

It's extensive. We're the second most celebrated program in their conference and we've beaten them more than any other team. They hate us badly.

I'm in my late 20's and I hate Alabama more than any other team. Possibly because my best friend is a Bammer though. Can't stand it either because he couldn't name 10 players on his own team.
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Said it before and I'll say it again. I don't think he will be eager to follow a legend like Saban. Too much pressure, just like Holly and Pat.

I agree. I said it yesterday as well. Some guys want to create their own legacy. I don’t see Dabo leaving for Bama either. He’s got a statue coming his way at Clemson. Why leave and go try to be the 3rd best coach ever at Bama? Pruitt MAY want to do the same. Create his own legacy here. No idea. And the only way Bama comes for him when Saban retires is if he’s winning big here. Which would be good for us.
Well the last 2 coaches from Saban's tree that came to UT didn't work out so well....Dooley and Sunseri. Maybe 3rd time is the charm.
Well supposedly Stoop did too, we saw how that turned out.

Yes and as far as 'he's a fabulous recruiter' I think Butch demonstrated the folly of putting too much weight to that.

Again, not saying he won't do well just not buying the sales pitch as it appears people are trying to convince themselves w/o proof...just like we have the past 10 yrs.

Grief process...
I lived in Tuscaloosa for a while and go back regularly for work. If I wear orange down there things become borderline hostile quick.

I remember driving through Tuscaloosa on my way to Texas to pick up a pup. Be mindful, I have a TN sticker in my back window....never been flipped off and scream at more in my entire life.
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Or we can look at it this way many days did it take Phil to make a solid hire that after we got rid of Currie and “ other “ influences ? We are at a low point , the lowest point that we’ve ever been in terms of our national reputation . The fans know it , the media knows it and we had to have a shake up to get rid of some garbage that was keeping us from competing on a high level . Did we get what we wanted ? No , that’s life most of the time we don’t get what we want . Did we get a solid Coach that that knows football and been mentored by some of the greatest coach in football ? Yes we did . I think the kids will love him , I think the fans will support him , if he can surround himself with great coaches like Phil did , we will be golden again . Imho

Can't call him a solid hire, hasn't won a game here yet.
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What’s the overall tone Sara? Do they just hate us like we do them or are they really concerned about losing Pruitt and others? I’ve heard Cochran and Pruitt are close not to mention Lupoi.
I’m going to give the guy a chance. He is by all accounts a coaching prodigy. Of course, he COULD fail, but he could also soar. No coach is a proven thing, and lets be honest, our team needs serious work.

Plus my bama pals are pissed off this morning. They HATE losing this guy, so that sounds like a good thing to me. ;)

I’ll give him 2 years. One year to rebuild and one year to improve. After that, we’ll see. But more importantly, I’ll continue to support our players. This has all been for them.
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I don’t either. He has a history of severe conflict with other coaches on the FSU staff and the Georgia staff. Some called him toxic and a cancer on the GA staff. Richt fired him for just that reason. Lots of sideline scuffles and arguments - I really only know about his time on the GA staff and it wasn’t pretty.

Well, maybe since he will be the boss, things will run more smoothly. :)
I remember driving through Tuscaloosa on my way to Texas to pick up a pup. Be mindful, I have a TN sticker in my back window....never been flipped off and scream at more in my entire life.

**Edit** it was bad enough I had my pistol in the seat with me!
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Hello to my friends from the other folks are the best and this is where I wanna hang...lets do this
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Hey, guys.

Just letting everyone know that I will be spending the next few months getting to know my Memphis Tigers. I plan on hanging around in this thread because of all the cool people here but as far as buying into this team goes, I am finished. I wish them well and hope that they find success. I will still casually follow them through this site and the bottom ticker on TV but the days of devoting my Fall Saturdays to their games are over. I'm not doing this simply because we didn't get Gruden. I am making this decision because of the total lack of commitment to winning by those in charge of running the show. They talk a good game and lead everyone on only to hand us the exact opposite.

I know, stfu, gtfo, and don't let the door hit you on the way out. That's okay. I understand but after 40 years of being a Vol fan and 10 years of feeling like they couldn't care less about competing for championships, I am done.

Same here. Just replace Memphis with GA Tech. Not all bad. GT games are a lot of fun with little of the emotional drama that comes with following TN. My 2 daughters go to GT and my wife went there, so they'll be happy. I do feel a little sorry for my son. He loves TN and has so desperately wanted to see them succeed. He is in 9th grade and always said he's going to UT. I'm going to subtlety inch him toward GT or even UGA. (avoids that out of state tuition.)
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