Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVIII

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Ladies/Gentlemen...we've got a glitch in the matrix itt

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Methinks certain posters have been relieved of their posting privileges. Loose lips sink ships. Perhaps the ship carrying a "white wale" is on its way back into port.....

The bolts have to be tight so no leaks get in or out.

14. Rumors. For the most part, rumors are part of what makes message boards entertaining. However, please post them responsibly. Refrain from posting any unsubstantiated rumors that could be harmful to Tennessee, its coaches or players.

15. Public criticism of moderators or the board is not allowed. If you have a problem with any of these rules, one of our moderators, or anything regarding how we choose to run this forum feel free to contact us. I will be happy to listen to your side and have a rational discussion. I'm not very tolerant of someone publicly calling out our moderators or the way we enforce the rules. It's a thankless job and our moderators volunteer their time. In addition, the forum is not a place to discuss banned members or post your opinion of the guidelines we've chosen.
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Just a thought on the PV gifs: last night was a very awkward dinner scene where the host tied together a bunch of people who didn't necessarily like each other: Thus it was referencing Peyton's rumored dinner last night, which no doubt could have been a bit awkward.

This one is a dinner where Walt is wedging his way back into his home, forcing his wife to accept the new reality, and he brought a guest who is the personification of that new reality. Could this be alluding to the same folks dining again, say today at the HOF event, and there will be a new guest? Thus Jesse (the guy with the water for those that haven't seen the show) is Gruden being present today and being presented to Haslam?

Thank you!!!

This is a tough forum for us old farts who don't watch Breaking Bad and Justified and all. :p
If we don't get Gruden... I want to keep this thread going indefinitely just to piss off all the people who come in here and say "time to shut it down".
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Hey guys, got a few textx so just dropping in for a quick second.

The mods may delete a post for one reason or another from time to time. Because, well, they're mods that's what they/we do. Typically, it's harmless.

The problem comes when we have someone say "are posts getting deleted?" and then a dozen more ask. Since we don't get into discussing deleted posts on the board, (as per the rules posted at the top of this forum) those posts get deleted too.

Now we have a full blown consiracy theory that either big news is going down or someone is trying to cover up something, all over something probably on the level of a nsfw pic or the equivalent.

With a thread this size and with this much traffic, there has to be some ground rules. If you ever unsure about a post feel free to review the rules, that might help, for starters. Otherwise, feel free to email me (, but be advised that I'm fighting to keep up with my inbox right now, and I'm losing.

Thanks guys and gals. Go Vols. Hope we have an announcement soon.


I'm out .... back to work I go.
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The optimist in me keeps thinking that the nervousness Gruden showed yesterday is a sign he’s saying yes. However, the Battered Vol Syndrome kicks in and says Tucker or Steele. I’m hoping I’m wrong, but we’ve been disappointed so much over the past decade it’s hard not to expect it. Will be extremely disappointed in Fulmer if all our heart poured into removing those who have led to the ruin of the Vols just to end up with a Coordinator.
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off topic, but was talked about a little while ago. Kirby is here to see Cade and his brother. I am 100% on this just a FYI last push to get him there over Clemson.
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