Official Jon Gruden thread XL

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How much inside info do you have on JJ, his situtation w/ Botch and Hoke? Please share so I can begin to try to accept your pontificating.

BTW, I'm still all 'bout Gruden to the Hill!!!


Without divulging too much information, I’m close enough to the situation to know how this went down. There are always 2 sides to every story, and my side wasn’t from a player or from a member of the current coaching staff.

Also, even though we’re all frustrated by this, don’t be fooled into thinking the players all have Jauan’s back in this scenario. He walked out on them a few months ago and hasn’t been around as a leader or teammate. I hate that it went down like this and I wish someone (could’ve been a player OR coach) had the stones to call him out a while back. Sad story that’s a leadership failure. This team, and coaching staff, have had a serious deficiency in leadership.
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Ok, so I don't claim to know **** and haven't said anything of substance yet but here's what I have. I have a friend who's father is deep inside the AD and has been for decades. The friend says that dad says there will be a presser Monday or Tuesday to announce the new HC. The friend says get ready to be completely underwhelmed by (at best Mullen) and at worst some mid-major also ran. The friend's dad said that UT is more likely to name him HC before Gruden. He swears that although UT would love to have Gruden and Cindy really wants to be back in Knoxville, the Grude would have be out of his mind to leave his cush job now for the grind of SEC coaching for ballpark same money. I'm Gruden all the way but I can see this playing out exactly like 2012. Not trying to be a wet blanket but we may need to align our expectations with reality if we don't want to be cliff jump ready next week.
This still part of the misinformation camp..

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This is 100% accurate. The team was undisciplined in games too. It seemed like we always had dumb penalties at the worst possible times.

And FCBJ allowed it ? Looks like. BTW, has FCBJ made any kind of statement ? Or is he too busy trying to get the job at Austin Peay ?
For the sanctimonious curtain operators, you have no clue what transpired today that led to this. What did Hoke (the staff) do or say to Jennings? I'm not taking up for the actions of Jennings, but a pack of lame ducks with beer can rings on their bills should be held to the same judgment, if in fact they've breached their contract, or violated any ethics standards or other pertinent criteria.

I’m not criticizing JJ’s feelings as he probably said what we all feel. I’m criticizing him posting the video. Once it’s out there, it can’t be gotten back. I’d rather him went in the office and said it to their faces.
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Yea I can agree with this I think the coach’s and staff set the tone from the get go and should conduct themselves in such a manner. And these incidents would certainly be less frequent or non existent. By the way I wouldn’t trying to attack you or nothin I’m just here for entertainment and Grude! I love everybody except the people mumbling some mul*** name sorry can’t type it!

Didn’t think you were...just wanted to clairfy. Definitely was not condoning what happened.

All good and go vols. Happy Thanksgiving too
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It really don't matter. You can't go on social media and say the stuff JJ said and expect to stay on a team. I don't care if it was Peyton Manning, you're gone.

This. The only thing we know for certain is what JJ put out there.
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It's a shame his situation wasn't handled properly by the MEN around him since the Georgia Tech game.

I'm 41 and work with and train young men 18 and up. Heck my son is older than my newest crew chief. I've had guys come to me from toxic leadership environments. It takes some time to build that trust and get them to buy in.

That being said, social media is the quickest way to lose everything.

That’s what I feel Hawk. I just hate the video. Taking responsibility is huge but if you’ve never had to, then you don’t know how. I worked as an inner city youth director and 97% of my teens came from fatherless homes. It all starts in the home.
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I sorta knew something wasn't right with the team chemistry when Jalen Hurd left last year, yes, I know he didn't get along, but isn't the coach's job to prevent those kinds of flare ups ? Jalen wasn't and never will be the best running back, Beech has one that's better this year, but still, keep the team together man.
Well that sucks! Jennings was the exact kind of pissed off ads kicker we needed.

Oddly enough, I was listening to "between Jennings and Jones" when I saw the news.

I must have done some really bad **** in a past life
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I have a question for you and Knuck. I don’t care who you’re source is. Don’t want to know at all. But, the signing of the contract is the biggest confirmation in all of this. Are y’all so confident because you have first hand knowledge that someone watch him sign it? Or were you told he signed it? Can you divulge that info?

Can't speak for knuck. For me, going into detail about the "how" my source knows would compromise the source.

Think about it this way. Say a respected journalist comes out with a report that says "according to a source/sources, Jon Gruden has signed a contract to become the next football coach at Tennessee." Do you then say "hey journalist, I'm not sure I believe you, how EXACTLY does your source know this?" You don't. You weigh the credibility of the report yourself and accept or reject it.

I'm just a guy on the internet, not a journalist. I've said for over a week now, explicitly, that Gruden signed. I would not be explicit if I personally wasn't absolutely convinced.

So take that for what it's worth, but I'm not discussing any more detail about who told me and how they know. As far as knucklehead goes, I know that his source and mine are totally separate, but he is perfectly able to speak for himself. :)
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