Official Jon Gruden Thread 34

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Wasn't Hargis the same guy last time that broke the story about how it was a done deal? Then a week later we had Butch. The Mike and Mike piece gives me hope that we are pursuing him hard. I just don't know that the top brass at UT has the balls to pull this hire off.

If I remember correctly Hargis’ article did not say we had him. Only that he was interested and Gruden was talking to potential staff members. (Sound familiar)

I believe he was right then. The guy is an old school journalist.
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Sure. Things come up.

If it is not Gruden after he had a chance to offer a denial on Mike and Mike and did nothing to quiet the masses....i am all in.

Yep. He could have easily said "there is zero truth to those rumors, I will not be the coach at Tennessee" but instead he kind of gave a generic ho hum and something about you never know if things come up I may coach again.
Just a random thought. I understand his contract with ESPN is open ended and not guaranteed because he said this in an interview with Denver TV reporter. But how does one take care of his other commitments re endorsements? I know we can find money to compensate but how will the companies be made whole for potential loss? I think this is where a lot of the lawyers are billing hours on right now

If already answered, sorry. Way behind. Packing to leave in a.m. for long weekend in Knoxville.

I posted in 1 or 2 threads ago, perhaps these are areas that MIT alluded to Manning stepping up and replacing Gruden in some of the endorsements. Just a thought.
It's funny the Nega Grudes come on this thread just to say he's not coming. Well ask any of them WHY?. Most have not much to say other than he has it made at MNF and he has Gruden QB Camp Oh and could coach in the NFL.

About 80% or better have no clue about whats going on at ESPN and other places in NFL. For those nay sayers I'd like to try to help you understand why he would come to UT.

1. ESPN is going broke
2. NFL is no longer watched by 1,000's cause the POS in the NFL are not greatful to the Great American Flag what it stands for and those who died for it.
3. Gruden is not having a QB Camp this year its already been waxed by ESPN due to money.
4. MNF is leaving ESPN to a diff network (Again ESPN) is going broke.
5. Cindy is from UT
6. Jon's Son goes to UT.
7 Cindy wants to move back to Tn
8. The Gruden family just bought a freaking huge house in knoxville thats not for just his son.
9 Jon said UT was his Dream Job
10. It didn't happen in 2012 cause of several reasons
10 A. Timing wasn't right
10 B. Jon had just signed a new MNF contract.
10 C. Haslam was in the way.
10 D. The money wasn't there for the Assistants.
10 E. AD at the time wouldn't give Jon the Control he wanted.
11. It's Freaking Tennessee that's why
12. This time Charlie Ergen has been working for 5 years gainnning more and more money, backing, lining up boosters, and getting ready to push the Haslams out so they stop making UT the Knoxville Browns.
13. He's Chucky.
14. He's been to the NFL already
15. The man lives and breathes UT, Hell he even has orange hair.
17. TENNESSEE is the only college he would coach.
18. Unlike 2008, 2012 Gruden has not denied it one time this time and Grumors are everywhere, If he didn't want it to happen he would have already stopped the Grumors and said he didn't want the job.
19. Gruden has been in Knoxville more in the last month than he has in 5 years.
20. UTAD Plane has made several trips to Florida last couple weeks

I thought this needed repeating from Gruden XXXI.
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I have seen posters throw out the I know one of the “BOT” comment but never a name. Well, I’m breaking that trend. A family member of mine has a mentor that is a BOT...that man is no other than John Foy. He was mentored by Mr. Foy when he was high up at CBL (they own and operate large malls across the US). I believe his duty on the board is mostly on the academic side but he obviously is in the know on these type of decisions. He told my family friend that he said we have Jon Gruden. He would be bewildered if it didn’t happen. He said due to his position on the board he couldn’t give out too many details but that it should be before the last game of the year that it’s announced.
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What the crap does the picture of Currie on a flight to Charlotte matter? It could mean anything. Now, if he’s at Island Home airport, we have something...
Brice: I know for a fact other media outlets have spoken to Gruden and he has told them he is interested in UT. Brice does not know why they won't report it
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