What About Afghanistan?

I'd guess you weren't quite expecting the responses you got, Huff. Believe it or not, more than a few military question why we're still there. While it's not exactly the same as Vietnam, many of us former and current .mil have doubts over the mission or lack thereof.
What a mess. Isn't a troop level determination coming sometime?

It's already been determined. Either SecDef Mattis will announce it or the President will announce. NATO and Australia have already announced they are sending more troops to Afghanistan. These are NATO's and the U.S. Goal for Afghanistan for the next 4 years.

increase fighting capabilities, leadership development, unity of command, & counter-corruption.
It's already been determined. Either SecDef Mattis will announce it or the President will announce. NATO and Australia have already announced they are sending more troops to Afghanistan. These are NATO's and the U.S. Goal for Afghanistan for the next 4 years.

increase fighting capabilities, leadership development, unity of command, & counter-corruption.

4 years? If that happens, we will possibly have soldiers in Afghanistan that weren't even born when 9/11 occurred...
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4 years? If that happens, we will possibly have soldiers in Afghanistan that weren't even born when 9/11 occurred...

Like I said Afghanistan will be my generations Korea. Plans have been put in place to make Bagram and Kabul U.S. Military duty stations just like South Korea. The only thing that will change that will be if the Taliban were to sign a peace agreement with the Afghan Government.
Like I said Afghanistan will be my generations Korea. Plans have been put in place to make Bagram and Kabul U.S. Military duty stations just like South Korea. The only thing that will change that will be if the Taliban were to sign a peace agreement with the Afghan Government.

Even if they did would we leave?
Like I said Afghanistan will be my generations Korea. Plans have been put in place to make Bagram and Kabul U.S. Military duty stations just like South Korea. The only thing that will change that will be if the Taliban were to sign a peace agreement with the Afghan Government.

Doubt it. I feel the pressure will eventually mount to disengage and move out.
The real question is does Mattis have a plan for Afghanistan.

There's plans to get out, and then there's reality. And I think the long-term reality is American bases used to put out fires, as you I believe posted earlier.

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