SB nation - Northwestern tearing into us....

This is what happens when you have been slogging through years of mediocrity. Let them talk. They have more wins and better wins than we do. Let's see who's happy on January 2nd.

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Man I read that and my blood started boiling. Rag Rocky Top, the SEC east and basically said we were no longer relevant. Since I retired I am pretty mellow but my blood pressure shot up 20pts. Those elitists need a southern smack down and I will be pissed if Butch calls off the dogs.
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Man I read that and my blood started boiling. Rag Rocky Top, the SEC east and basically said we were no longer relevant. Since I retired I am pretty mellow but my blood pressure shot up 20pts. Those elitists need a southern smack down and I will be pissed if Butch calls off the dogs.

same...i was surprised it hadnt been posted on here already.....i had to check and double/triple check before posting....just a NU fan/hasnt even graduated and from IOWA, so if anyone should know better, should be him lol
They will learn more alright. Much more. For starters, they are going to learn how to get their azz whooped. Second, they are going to learn to keep their mouth shut after taking said azz whoopin'. I think that just about covers it.
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I'm generally not judgmental but this person is an idiot. And they definitely listened to the wrong version of Rocky Top for a first time experience. IMO
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Man I read that and my blood started boiling. Rag Rocky Top, the SEC east and basically said we were no longer relevant. Since I retired I am pretty mellow but my blood pressure shot up 20pts. Those elitists need a southern smack down and I will be pissed if Butch calls off the dogs.

With ya Fij....a Big Orange beat down is coming.
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So, I take it nobody here has ever actually been to another team's SB Nation page before?

We're not exactly talking about a virtuous bastion of journalistic integrity. The good ones have people who can provide good analysis, people who can write with humor, and people who troll. The bad ones don't have anyone to fill the first two job descriptions, however, there is always that one common denominator between them all.
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So, I take it nobody here has ever actually been to another team's SB Nation page before?

We're not exactly talking about a virtuous bastion of journalistic integrity. The good ones have people who can provide good analysis, people who can write with humor, and people who troll. The bad ones don't have anyone to fill the first two job descriptions, however, there is always that one common denominator between them all.

yea you are correct I have never been to another Teams SB page, i assume it only showed up on my landing page due to analytics(yea i said analytics lol) by searches/ game pages/ ticket purchases etc.......just figured it was worth sharing...

but yes trolling at its finest.....
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Guess I missed all those predictions for them to win. I was under the impression that the irrelevant, worst Power 5 division team was actually favored by more than a TD over their directional powerhouse program.

Let's find out their worst loss ever and beat it by a TD-- just to clarify which team is trash.
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The author actually tried to insult us by insulting where our bowl game was last year, Jacksonville, FL. "certifiably the worst city in America". Lol
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