Holly Warlick should step down after this season

Holly is in an absolute no win situation. A coach at any other school with an 85% win rate would be praised. Here, she loses a game to a top ten team in the nation and she needs to be burned at the stake.
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This game seems to have been a breaking point for a lot of fans.

We have seen some improvement under Holly but there are areas we were waiting to see if she would address. It is clear now they aren't being corrected so it is time to give someone else a shot.

Going 0-for- an entire recruiting class and then getting this sort of play from your deepest and most talented bunch would be enough to get a men's coach fired at a top four program. But letting problems fester and evidencing no clue as to how to address them is really the root of the problem.

The truth is that the AD really doesn't care how many games the women's basketball team wins or what direction the program is heading and Holly isn't going to forgo all of that money coming to her by stepping down so instead of a proactive step being taken we will be subjected to more of the same. It is what it is.
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Holly is in an absolute no win situation. A coach at any other school with an 85% win rate would be praised. Here, she loses a game to a top ten team in the nation and she needs to be burned at the stake.

If she can beat top 10 teams she wins the situation. Yep she can win 30 games and get bumped in the elite 8.
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Holly is in an absolute no win situation. A coach at any other school with an 85% win rate would be praised. Here, she loses a game to a top ten team in the nation and she needs to be burned at the stake.

Because there is only room for 4 elite teams in the women's game, and UT is used to historically being one of those teams. Here, an Elite 8 appearance is equivalent to the men's team just making the tourney, or at best getting past round 1. Holly is clearly not capable of getting us back there, so we need to find someone who is or get ready to become Louisiana Tech or Old Dominion.

There is no way this team, playing the way Holly has them playing now, has a snowball's prayer of making the Elite 8, much less the Final 4 or NC.

Are you satisfied with mediocrity?
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Holly is in an absolute no win situation. A coach at any other school with an 85% win rate would be praised. Here, she loses a game to a top ten team in the nation and she needs to be burned at the stake.

Sometimes it's all about how you lose!!!!!
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I am so confused. I am out of country and haven't been following the Lady Vols as usual but after seeing this thread I checked thinking they would have 3 or 4 losses already. They haven't even lost 1 game yet. What is the uproar about so early in the season? Seems like every time I log on to Volnation it is coach bashing season.
I am so confused. I am out of country and haven't been following the Lady Vols as usual but after seeing this thread I checked thinking they would have 3 or 4 losses already. They haven't even lost 1 game yet. What is the uproar about so early in the season? Seems like every time I log on to Volnation it is coach bashing season.

Maybe if you paid more attention, things wouldn't be so shocking.
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