You're not being honest with yourself

Quick reality check - list the most talented OL and DL on the current roster.

Only upperclassman is Maggitt.

The reality is Jones has leaned on the "youth" tag from year 1 til the present while others have point out the obvious. We hired a salesman with no product.

If you cant figure that out by now that's on you.
Continue to blindly wander if you choose.
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The reality is Jones has leaned on the "youth" tag from year 1 til the present while others have point out the obvious. We hired a salesman with no product.

If you cant figure that out by now that's on you.
Continue to blindly wander if you choose.

We are still in year 0, what are you talking about? :)
The talent is freshman and a couple sophmores! The upperclass talent is atrocious and that's not on butch. If you don't see a difference your blind.

Our OL is horrific in pass blocking.. Maybe the worst in UT history... we have no tackles!!!!!!!!!!!! jones is paid a lot of money to bring Ib quality players all over the field and he is has failed the worst with the OL... Any one can SEE that
Florida seems to be doing just fine. They're also just as young as we are. The youth BS is getting old. By year 3 you should see at least some signs that things are going to get better. We're losing close games and depth plays a part. We also wasted too many offensive possessions last night against a team that controls the ball for long periods of time..

Last week it was the defense, this week it was the offense. What that says is we're just not a very good team..

exactly. Florida also runs a better system. The WRs they do have actually run routes and they complete passes with a worse OL situation than we have. Its such a joke whats going on here right now.
But... the coaches have to put players in winning situations. Play calling was horrible as always. How about earn your freaking 3 mil a year and coach players up. Why can some teams coach 2 and 3 star players up to 5 star(spoiler alert) GOOD COACHING! This coaching staff coaches 5 star players to 2 and 3 star. GBO but DAM*!

I'm starting to believe the bs that we are cursed. It's just the same thing year in year out and coach to coach. I am officially numb to it and accept that UT football is what it is and probably won't get much better that this. I have mailed it in for another 6 - 6 season.
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... if you woke up this morning blaming the coaching only. Players gotta make plays. This team doesn't tackle, can't catch a pass that hits 'em in the hands, can't throw down field and hit a target, can't contain a QB. The TEAM got whipped last light.

There are some noticeable exceptions: Hurd, Kamara, Smith, R-M and ST.

I don't know the way forward from here but I do know I AM A VOL FAN AND WILL CONTINUE TO PROUDLY WEAR ORANGE AND SUPPORT THE TEAMS even during these terrible years.

Oh okay, then butch can't recuit either.
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Butch told us last night that he just needed a couple more pieces.'

(I'm assuming he was talking about a frontal lobe and a backbone.)
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Who forgot to send McElwain the " you can't win games because of youth" memo?

Someone needs to own this.
The talent is freshman and a couple sophmores! The upperclass talent is atrocious and that's not on butch. If you don't see a difference your blind.

So why do the freshmen and sophomores on other teams perform? This team is not being properly coached, and Butch still looks like a deer in headlights in the 4th quarter. His cluelessness for sure is noticed by the players when the game is on the line. Sir, you are wearing orange-colored glasses.
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... if you woke up this morning blaming the coaching only. Players gotta make plays. This team doesn't tackle, can't catch a pass that hits 'em in the hands, can't throw down field and hit a target, can't contain a QB. The TEAM got whipped last light.

There are some noticeable exceptions: Hurd, Kamara, Smith, R-M and ST.

I don't know the way forward from here but I do know I AM A VOL FAN AND WILL CONTINUE TO PROUDLY WEAR ORANGE AND SUPPORT THE TEAMS even during these terrible years.

Ultimately, it ALL goes back to coaching. These things you speak of; tackling, catching passes, blocking, etc. Those are all things that are a product of the teaching/coaching that our coaches get paid so handsomely to pass on to our players. The problems with this team may not necessarily be all Coach Jone's fault but they absolutely are all Coach Jone's responsibility.
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Butch told us last night that he just needed a couple more pieces.'

(I'm assuming he was talking about a frontal lobe and a backbone.)

Do you actually think he called a scared game last night? Last week he got eaten alive for not throwing the ball, they threw it over 30 times yesterday, he has been maligned for not going for it on 4th, they went for it on 4th multiple times, and it we say that he has been making conservative play calls all season...and with the game on the line they did a WR pass that they missed by about 2 feet (and the WR probably should have dove for it IMO).

I understand we are all mad right now and its easy to blame the coach, but I think some of us just want to be miserable...but then again maybe thats why we root for Tennessee
Dude forget the "its the players fault" message. I'm with you BTW that its a confluence of errors that got us here: including coaches and players.

But you will always get the "well, they did not coach'em up right" easy out crappy answer to always blame coaches.

Last night these guys got whipped physically. Both sides of the ball. In our other 2 losses, we could not execute on around 20 plays of which any of them would have iced a game. I mean you give your players 20 chances to win a game. I mean should we not give credit for providing so many chances to win right along with the times where they mismanaged and took a chance away? You just cannot have it both ways.

This team should be 4-1 with Arky giving us a legit punch in the mouth. WE are STILL THAT TEAM who I think can go 7-5, win a bowl game, and yes, dare I say it, progress along the way. Anyone with half a brain new 2016 was the year. We are just guilty, me included, of drinking too much hype koolaid in the offseason.

Did I mention we lost our best D player? Most of best WR's? Maybe our best O-lineman? Two starting DB's?

IMO this is just one of those unexplainable seasons where karma and confluence come together to make an ugly elixir. I still think CBJ is the guy with 2016 being at least my measuring stick.

Well said...

You should be banned :)

The natives don't want to hear logic! They want to blame only Butch. Last night was embarrassing execution on the players part. Missed tackles and drops killed us.

Yet many on here will say it was play calling. That was a VERY balanced coaching effort last night in terms of run vs pass. I wouldn't have thrown nearly as much to the receivers who consistently dropped passes.

I do feel Dobbs may need to throw his passes with a little more touch. Meaning you don't rifle a pass to your back when he is wide open. That in no way means that I am proposing Quinton step in. I think our line is tooo suspect at this point.
The reality is Jones has leaned on the "youth" tag from year 1 til the present while others have point out the obvious. We hired a salesman with no product.

If you cant figure that out by now that's on you.
Continue to blindly wander if you choose.

I'm not blindly following anything.

This team was overhyped since the clock hit zero in Jacksonville.

Jones has talked too much and his coach speak has worn thin.

This team will never compete with the more physical teams in the SEC when our most talented linemen are 1-2 years removed from HS.

I think Jones is an average coach at best. Very good recruiter.

no idea how this plays out, but at this point my guess is an AD search in 2015 and a coaching search in 2016.
We lost our leader on defense, and one our best players--Maggitt. We have got nothing this year from Pig Howard, the one dependable receiver we had coming into this year and absolutely needed--he and Dobbs had some chemistry last year. North absent as usual. This is the kind of BS that seems to afflict this program. Injuries, mistakes, bad decisions--it never ends.
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I do think Jones might have to replace both coordinators. I used to think Jancek was pretty good--but he and the D couldn't get it done last week, when one forth down stop wins the game for us--and this week was bad.
The problem is, this program absolutely needs a good recruiter. Jones need to find some top-notch coordinators.
Hurd could have beat this craphole of a team by himself. We gave him 4 carries in the second half.

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