We Beat Bama in 2014

It will happen at some point soon Imo. People have such a short term memory. Who was the hottest coach 7 years ago? It wasn't saban. He was coming off a 7-5 unranked first season after being the second option for bama after rich rod. I know they've had an amazing run but I just think it's crazy how all the media hang on to every word he utters like all his thoughts are devine inspired. Eventually he'll experience some bumpy times and come back down to earth... Along with the rest of the toothless/cousin loving fan base
Well, might as well add Florida and Oklahoma to the list too...

And we play FSU and Bama again in the four team playoff, beat them both and win our seventh national title!

I'm ready when you are for the fun to begin!
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if we are healthy and start dobbs and have all of are starters on offense playing.

Are you sure you didn't come from the shallow end of the gene pool?

I appreciate your optimism, but our defense isn't going to stop many teams if they played like they did yesterday. Having to come from behind to win many games rarely results in a better than 50/50 at year's end.
Lmao. Florida is a win. Bama is not a gimme but a toss up, wouldn't surprise me at all if we beat them.

Florida is a win???? Have you been watching the last 25 years? No, make that the last 9 years.....0-9 vs Florida. I'll believe Tennesee beats Florida when I actually see it with my own eyes. Until then, the Florida game continues to be an annual loss.
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Wouldnt say the Florida game is 100%.

I watched their spring game and they looked bad. They did have some of their big time guys out, but they were throwing ball in the dirt and defense looked lost. Driskel threw a screen and was like 3 yards off target. Lots of bad tackling. Plus we play in Neyland dont we?

winning in neyland has proven to be problematic.
Wouldnt say the Florida game is 100%.

I watched their spring game and they looked bad. They did have some of their big time guys out, but they were throwing ball in the dirt and defense looked lost. Driskel threw a screen and was like 3 yards off target. Lots of bad tackling. Plus we play in Neyland dont we?

I hear ya POA but after going 6-19 the last 25 and 0-9 the last 9 vs Florida in recent years no matter where the respective programs have been, I have to assume Florida continues to be an annual loss.
I hear ya POA but after going 6-19 the last 25 and 0-9 the last 9 vs Florida in recent years no matter where the respective programs have been, I have to assume Florida continues to be an annual loss.

Im not sayin we win. But its not a 100% loss either
Yes. We beat SCAR in Neyland last year and almost beat UGA in overtime in Neyland. Take a look at our road wins... playing in Neyland increases our chances whether we win or not

i'm just teasing.

i'm like kbvol here though.

there was a time where i assumed the georgia game was a loss until being pleasantly surprised.

there was a time where i assumed the florida state game was a loss until pleasantly surprised.

when it comes to florida-tennessee, it's hard not to assume a florida victory.
you also have to remember the thought process on the other end of this deal.

for most florida fans for the 2014 season, you say "tennessee", they'll tell you that's the team our 4-8 squad beat by two touchdowns with the worst football team most of us have ever seen.

so, you see 4-8 florida and think "they suck. we'll get them"

florida fans see tennessee as "we beat them every year, even when we can't be georgia southern. no problem."
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Idk about Alabama, but I truly believe we will be leaps and bounds above our team last year. I think we'll beat at least 2 top 25 teams this year, maybe 3. Idk about Alabama though, that's a stretch. Would definitely be nice though.
Come the f on really? Why do we set ourselves up for such disappointment? You guys underestimate how badly Kiffin-Dooley ran this program into the trenches. It will take several great classes before we can light up the win column.
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Come the f on really? Why do we set ourselves up for such disappointment? You guys underestimate how badly Kiffin-Dooley ran this program into the trenches. It will take several great classes before we can light up the win column.

Totally agree. My goodness, we have a true fresh and a former walk on currently taking first team snaps on the O-line. We had a great recruiting class, but it will take at least 2 more of those to start talking about beating the upper echelon of the league on a regular basis.
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Not Florida,the Gators will be 6-6 at very best. Florida will be looking for a new coach in 2015.

Well, what are we gonna be? 5-7, hopefully somehow 6-6 to get to a bowl game? We've lost 9 in a freakin row to Florida. They handled us easily last year in the midst of their worst season in a generation. How anybody can honestly predict a win vs Florida given the recent history and reality is far beyond me.
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Come the f on really? Why do we set ourselves up for such disappointment? You guys underestimate how badly Kiffin-Dooley ran this program into the trenches. It will take several great classes before we can light up the win column.

Wel said. We're on the right path, on our way back to relevance .... but we're a very long way from being able to predict wins vs teams that routinely whip our azzes as an afterthought ...
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